Submitting Embedded Items

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Submitting Embedded Items

Embedded UID items in Expeditor are submitted to the IUID Registry by encoding them into a conforming Flat File and transmitting them to the Registry.   This can be done immediately after adding embedded items to the Embedded Process database, as seen Expeditor's UID Registration View.

Embedded items may be submitted immediately after being added to the database, or you may do so later.   To do so later bring items inot the Registration View's workspace with either of these two commands:

View > New - displays items that have yet to be submitted.

View > Pending displays items that have been corrected and are awaiting transmission to the IUID Registry.  

Submitting Embedded UIDs to the Registry

The Submit to Registry menu command adds the currently selected items to a flat file and sends it to the IUID Registry.  If no items are selected, all will be sent (after a confirming with the user).   A subset of the items may be sent by selecting them first.   The Select [All] and [None] buttons may be used to control what is marked for submission.  

UID Expeditor will convert the selected data into a IUID Registry flat file formatted according to government specifications (schema).  Any items marked as Invalid will be skipped.   Fix any of those by selecting using the Edit command (or Rt-Clk and Properties).   There should be a message in item details explaining the issue.   A common problem is the lack of nomenclature for an imported item.  

Flat-File Transmission

The Submit to Registry process will transmit the UID flat-file to the Mil-Pac Value-Added Network for interchange with the Defense Global Exchange (GEX) as explained inn Expeditor VAN Operations.  

After submission, a confirmation message like the one at left will appear.  Notice that it says that the Top-Level Item was skipped.   End-items/Top-Level Items (TLIs) are not sent to the Registry by the Expeditor.  They may only be added to the Registry by WAWF, which is done after the Government accepts a shipment's Receiving Report.  TLIs are included in the Expeditor process to provide context for their children and grandchildren (but are not required).    Read more about TLIs.


Once the transaction is sent the Reg(istry) Status column for all affected items will change to Submitted, indicating that they have been sent to the UID Registry.   The Process status will change from New to Active state indicating that they are in the process of registration.  

The UID Registry will respond, usually within an hour or so, with a transaction indicating the each item was accepted, or a reason that it was not.  

The next step, after waiting a few hours (the Registry is slow) is to perform the Registry Results command to retrieve and process Registry Response files, which will indicate which items were successfully registered, and which require further attention and resubmission.


Next Step: Process Registry Response

See Also

Embedded UID Registration Process

CSV Import of Embedded UIDs

Releasing Shipped Embedded UIDs

Configuration for Flat-file Submission

Handling Responses from IUID Registry