Release Shipped Embedded Items

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Release Shipped Embedded Items

Embedded UID items that in the process of being submitted to the IUID Registry are stored in a separate table from those that may be collected in conjunction with UID end-items being labeled and included on WAWF Receiving Reports (DD250s) for shipment.  

Release of Embeds by Shipment

Release of Embeds by Shipment

Motivating factors for this separation include:

Preference to separate management of embedded items from contract line item data

Preference to submit embedded items separately from WAWF DD250s

WAWF DD250 limitation of embedded items to the first level

Simplification of process - embedded items may be submitted from CSV imports on their own schedule

The Release of Shipped Embedded Items process applies to installations that collect embedded UIDs while preparing shipments for WAWF.   It simply transfers copies embedded items from the UID shipment (UIXSup) table to the embedded item processing (EmbdProc) table, marking them as ready for submission to the IUID Registry.

Embedded UID items will not be accepted by the IUID Registry until their parents have been registered, which occurs after the Government takes acceptance of the shipment in WAWF.  Accepted UIDs are exported to the IUID Registry by WAWF in a batch process (creating a bit of a delay).  

Releasing Shipments

The Release of Shipped Embedded Items process is applied to shipments in the database, marking them as Accepted and releasing their embedded items for submission to the Registry.  

Releasing embedded UID shipments may be done by:

Selecting the shipment from a list, or by

Locating the shipment by entering the UID of an end or embedded item.

The first example, above, shows the process after selecting shipments that have been accepted by the Government.  Shipments may be loaded automatically (by checking that box) or by clicking the [Load] button.   Clicking the [Go] button will mark the shipments as Accepted and release any embedded items in them to the Embedded Item Processing table for submission to the IUID Registry.
Releasing Shipments by UID  

Another approach to releasing embedded items for submission is to look for an embedded UID or that of an end-item.  In the second example we have located a shipment by an embedded item UID.   Clicking the [Go] button will mark the shipment as Accepted and release it's embedded UIDs.

Submitting Released Items

Releasing embedded items creates a record for each with a status of New.  After returning to the Embedded UID Registration View click on View > New Items to see them.  Then follow the Submitting Embedded Items process.   This may be done immediately after releasing UID shipments or at a more convenient time.