Exporting the Workspace

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Exporting the Workspace

It is sometimes useful to export embedded UID data to other systems or look at it in Excel.   The Export Workspace command (in File menu) generates a CSV file of the current workspace, or just the items currently selected.

The export file looks like:

; Embedded UID Import Format v5+Status  (MIL-Comply/UID-Expeditor)

; 04/28/2024-15:03




DX0002CHAIR02001,CHAIR,02001,"Chair, Folding Camp",DX0099CAMPSET00020,UID2,,New,

DX0002CHAIR02002,CHAIR,02002,"Chair, Folding Camp",DX0099CAMPSET00020,UID2,,New,


DX0002STOVE02001,STOVE,02001,"Stove, Propane Camping",DX0099CAMPSET00020,UID2,,New,

DX0002TENT4PU02001,TENT4PU,02001,,DX0099CAMPSET00020,UID2,Invalid,New,Noun / Nomenclature not found for P/N 'TENT4PU' [X0002]


The format is the same as the UID CSV v5 format used for importing UID data into the Registration workspace., with two additional columns:

ProcStat - or Process Status, which indicates the current state of each item in the registration process.  These are the same as described in the View Menu's Status Filter.  

ErrorMsg - shows the error message attached to each item, if any.  The last item in the example above includes one.  

The export file is acceptable as an import file.   The ProcStat and ErrorMsg columns are simply ignored.    

Where To Find Export File

The export is always made to the same file; UIDExpd-EmbedsExport.csv in the Scratch Data Folder.  The export will be appended to the data of an existing file so as to allow the exporting of a collection of different workspace views. The latest data will be at the end of the file, separated from the rest by the header:

; Embedded UID Import Format v5+Status  (MIL-Comply/UID-Expeditor)

; 04/28/2024-15:03



Delete the file before exporting to get a fresh start, or simply delete what is unwanted using Notepad or any plain-text editor, or Excel.