Registration Process

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Registration Process

The process of registering embedded UID items is fairly straightforward, occurring in three phases:

Phase 1:

a)Add Embedded Items to database (or Release from Shipment)

b)Make any necessary adjustments

c)Submit to IUID Registry

Phase 2:

Wait for IUID Registry Response.   This generally takes about an hour, longer during high demand periods.

Phase 3:

a)Process Registry Result File(s)

b)Correct any errors identified by the Registry

c)Resubmit corrected data (Step 1c).

Correcting Rejected UIDs

When embedded UIDs are submitted to the IUID Registry some may be rejected while others are accepted.  Rejected UIDs may be addressed immediately and resubmitted.   Or they may be deferred while a resolution is determined.   Such items may be retrieved later using View Error (UID Registry) items.   Corrected items submitted immediately or deferred to be gathered later for submission using the View Pending Submits command.   The process is essentially the same as described for new items.

See Also

Keyboard-entry of Embedded Items

Importing Embedded Items

Submitting Embedded Items to IUID Registry

Responses from the IUID Registry

Releasing Shipped Embedded Items for Submission