WAWF/EDI Configuration

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WAWF/EDI Configuration

WAWF Configuration Properties (Tools > Options > WAWF)

WAWF Configuration Properties
(Tools > Options > WAWF)

This section covers configuration of MIL-Comply for creation of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions and their transmission to Wide Area Workflow via a Value-Added Network (VAN), such as the Mil-Pac VAN .  

Configuration Tabs

Method - how EDI transactions are sent to WAWF

Mil-Pac VAN access

Alternate communication channels

User Setup - WAWF credentials

Transactions - selected a default transaction type

Folders - selecting local in / out box directories

Preferences - controlling aspects of transaction generation


Other Data Communications

There many MIL-Comply processes which involve the In/Out folders, EDI transactions and communication with transaction partners.  The configuration of these are addressed in other sections.

IUID Registry Communications - handled by the Registry Expeditor, which communicates with the Registry using the same EDI channel as WAWF transactions (it used to be part of WAWF), creating some confusion due to overlap.  The Expeditor handles transactions differently, including storage and processing of intermediate files; so it has its own EDI Configuration.  

oTransmission of transactions to the IUID Registry

oUID Registry responses

EDI Purchase Orders and Contracts

oDLA purchase orders (DIBBS)  - see DLA/DIBBS Order Automation

oDCMA contracts (via WAWF) - see DCMA Contract Integration

Import from Business Systems (see Business System Integration)

oShipment Creation

oContract Definitions

See also:

Configuring VSM Integration

WAWF Automation

WAWF Automation

DIBBS EDI Automation

VIM-ASAP Configuration