Business System Integration

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Business System Integration

Companies that manage shipment data in their business systems can leverage that data to automate submission of WAWF Receiving Reports and Invoices.   MIL-Comply automates the generation of six different kinds of WAWF invoices. For example, your business system than manages project costs can submit Cost Vouchers to WAWF by creating a simple text file (M12 format) or CSV file that Shipper will convert to EDI for transmission to WAWF.  

With system integration you can create very complex shipments, such as RFID-tagged UID unit containers, packed into RFID-tagged cases, and stacked on pallets.   MIL-Comply will automatically print labels, using RFIDs assigned by it or the originating system, or both.  

MIL-Comply shipment and invoice import files do not necessarily have to be complete, which allows them to produced by commercial ERPs that are not designed to support all of the data required for defense contract shipping and invoicing.   While it is possible for MIL-Comply to passively translate and submit, usually a user gets involved in the middle to supply information not available to the business system, such as the weight or volume of containers.   Or perhaps UIDs as items become available to ship.   Or esoteric address codes like your Quality Assurance Rep (QAR),  Local Processing Office (LPO) or Intermediate Acceptance Point.