VIM-ASAP Upload Configuration

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VIM-ASAP Upload Configuration

DLA VIM-ASAP contracts require RFID Pack Updates similar to those produced for WAWF.  However they are sent directly to DLA, bypassing Wide-Area Workflow.   This requires use the SFTP/SSH protocol which MIL-Comply currently supports only for communications with the Mil-Pac VAN.   Instead, use of a script-able SFTP/SSH client, such as BitVise Tunnelier, is suggested.   Mil-Pac Technical Support can assist with information on setting that up, including sample scripts.  

The VIM-ASAP Transmission Method delivers Pack Update transactions produced by RFID Manager to, and invokes, the SFTP/SSH client or batch file of your choosing.  The settings below specify how control of transactions generated to the Outbound Folder (see WAWF Folders tab) to your SFTP/SSH client.

External Processor - the path/name of a script, batch or executable to be run when MIL-Comply needs to send a WAWF transaction.   The example uses Notepad to demonstrate this by simply displaying transactions created.

Optional Arguments - will be passed to the External Processor if provided

Full Path of EDI file - the drive:\path\title.extension of the transaction file; otherwise, only the title.extension are passed

Host Name, User ID and Password - additional arguments passed to a generic file transfer client, generally through a batch file

Transfer File Path - the drive:\path to copy the transaction file to (without any further action occurring)

No Action - leaves the transaction file in the Outbound Folder, assuming that some process will take care of it without action by MIL-Comply.

See also:

RFID Manager

Sending RFID Pack Updates