Submitting Embedded UIDs to IUID Registry

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Submitting Embedded UIDs to IUID Registry

The UIDs of end-items are automatically entered into the IUID Registry by Wide Area Workflow upon Government acceptance of their shipments.   The same is true for embedded UIDs included in the shipments.   However, there are limitations to this, and reasons that a contractor may want or need to submit embedded UIDs directly to the Registry.   The MIL-Comply UID Expeditor provides the means to do so, as well as providing methods for collecting and managing embedded UID data.

UX_DataMatrixSymbolUID items sold to the Government are entered into the IUID Registry automatically by Wide Area Workflow when shipments are accepted.   UID items embedded into those end-items must also be registered.  There are three methods by which this can occur, depending on the level of embedding and vendor's preference of method.

First-level embedded items may be included with their end-items in Receiving Reports  submitted to WAWF, which in turn submits them to the IUID Registry.   When UID items are embedded beyond the first-level they must be submitted directly to the Registry.  The vendor may also choose to submit first-level items directly to the Registry if that is more convenient.

Embedded UID items may take several paths through MIL-Comply to get to WAWF and/or the IUID Registry.  The path taken depends on how they are collected and the desired method of submission.  Embedded items entered into Comply/Shipper or Comply/Labeling are automatically included in WAWF Receiving Reports when submitted to the DOD via EDI transactions.  

MIL-Comply's UID Expeditor can submit embedded UID items from these sources:

Entered into UID Expeditor via (either/or):

oScanned UID Data Matrix symbols

oCut and Pasted UIIs (or hand-entered)

Imported via CSV files

Embedded into end-items in Comply/Labeling, but not submitted to WAWF

Releasing Embedded Items for Registration

The Comply UID Expeditor uses a dedicated database table for the purpose of processing embedded items into the IUID Registry.  Embedded items may be imported directly into that table for processing.    Embedded items that have been collected with end-items are moved into the processing table by releasing them from UID Items.

Embedded items are held in the UID Items table until release because they are not eligible for submission to the IUID Registry until each of their end-items have made it into the Registry.  The latter is the result of a batch process that occurs some number of hours after shipments are accepted by the Government.   Attempts to register embedded items prior to that will be rejected.  

The Embedded Item Release process is performed in UID Expeditor by changing the status of a shipment to Accepted.