Embedded UID Items

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Embedded UID Items

The UIDs of embedded items are required to be submitted to the IUID Registry.  This can be done by including them with their end item UIDs when those are submitted to Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) on a Receiving Report (DD250).   However, only the first-level children are allowed and those are limited to one hundred (100).   However, the DCMA allows for the bulk submission of embedded items when they exceed those limits, or when it is simply more convenient for the contractor to do so.  

UID Expeditor manages the process of direct submission of embedded items to the IUID Registry.   These may come from UID Family Trees that are built within the software or from embedded item data imported in CSV format.   Support for embedded items includes direct submission to the IUID Registry and management of responses it returns, including exception handling for errors reported.