Scanning UID Symbols

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Scanning UID Symbols

The UID Family Tree Browser serves both as a place for building UID Family Trees and viewing/editing them.   UIDs may be entered as Composite UIIs or scanned directly from the 2D UID Data Matrix symbols.   The Browser allows for multiple trees (embedded end-items) to be built, as well as items without children.  

ux_buildtreeaddfirstenditemGet to the UID Family Tree Browser from the Expeditor Dashboard's [Scan UIIs] button.  Once there you will find it set up for scanning a new end-item.  To optimize the feature for scanning just end-items, enable the End Items Only feature.  Notice that the Embedded Item(s) option is disabled.  This will change once an end-item has been scanned.

You may also add embedded items to an existing end-item by using the Dashboard's [Find] button and entering the end-item or any previously entered embedded item.  This allows you to easily resume scanning the components of a complex end-item.   You may also use the Dashboards [Scan UIIs] button to get to a blank Browser, then use its [Find] button.

The Process

Click on [End Item(s)] to add one or more top-level item.  This will bring up the Add End Item(s) screen.  Upon completing that process, you will be returned and the item(s) will be displayed.   This will also enable the [Embedded Item(s)] button.  Clicking it will bring up the Add Embedded Item(s) dialog.  Completing that will show the newly added children attached to the selected end-item.

This process is repeated until the end-item is fully constructed.   You may stop by clicking [Done] and resume at any time by using the Find methods described above.

Family Tree Report

Family Tree Report

Printing The Family Tree

At any point in time a printout of the family tree may be produced by clicking the [Print] button.  

See Also:

Add End Item(s)

Add Embedded Item(s)