Mil-Std-2073 Requirements

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Mil-Std-2073 Requirements

Packaging Breakdown

Packaging Breakdown

Shipper includes the ability to record the Mil-Std-2073 packaging requirements.   The reason for this is that the person creating shipment data usually has access to the contract/order, which is where the packaging requirements are found.  They are also generally included in DIBBS EDI purchase orders that are handled by Shipper.

A packaging breakdown, like the one shown at right, displays the packaging requirements text from Mil-Std-2073.   A printed Packaging Worksheet form may be produced.  

MS-2073 Packaging Codes (Shipper)

MS-2073 Packaging Codes (Shipper)

Clicking on the [ MS-2073 Packaging ] in Line Item Details brings up the packaging requirements dashboard, at left.   From there you can enter in the requirement codes, and then view or print the breakdown.   Read more about how that works.

This same packaging editor is available in Pack-2073, allowing it and Shipper to share packaging data and generate packaging worksheets.

[Note:  The Show Breakdown and Print Worksheet buttons are disabled in the illustration because packaging codes have not yet been entered].