Multiple MILSTRIPs Editor

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Multiple MILSTRIPs Editor

Generally, when there is an MILSTRIP reporting requirement, there is only a single MILSTRIP for the line item.   However, it gets a little trickier with multiple MILSTRIPs because they are allocated by percentage of the items, which can vary from one shipment to the next.   Shipper includes a MILSTRIP editor to make it easy.

To report a single MILSTRIP just enter it in the field, which is located on the Line Item Editor.  For more than one, click on [ Multiple ] to enter them,   The display above shows the difference in the way the Line Item Editor appears for single versus multiple MILSTRIPs.

Multiple MILSTRIPs Editor

Multiple MILSTRIPs Editor

The illustration shows the Edit MILSTRIP List dialog, with the first one entered.  Notice that the CLIN's extended amount is displayed at the top.   And below the list, the total of the MILSTRIPs entered so far along with the remaining cost to be allocated.  



Enter additional MILSTRIPs by entering them in the field below the list, along with the Item Allocation, then click [ Add ].  If you are entering the last one, you may click [ Remainder ] to use that amount.   The illustration at left shows the display after entering a second MILSTRIP and clicking the Remainder button.   The Total remains unchanged until you click [ Add ].

After Adding New MILSTRIP

After Adding New MILSTRIP

It will be apparent that you have entered all of the MILSTRIPs correctly when the remained is zero.  

To change an entry, select it, causing it to fill the edit fields below the list, and [ Add ] to change to [ Update ].  There is no limit to the number of MILSTRIPs (as of R1.3.0213).

DD250 Display of Multiple MILSTRIPs

The allocation of the MILSTRIPs will be shown using the standard method from the paper DD250 era.    

DD250 Line Item with Multiple MILSTRIPs

DD250 Line Item with Multiple MILSTRIPs