Pack 2073

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Pack 2073

Part of a Packaging Code Breakdown

Part of a Packaging Code Breakdown

Packaging in accordance with Mil-Std-2073 is a rigorous exercise using very specific materials and highly specialized methods.   The first step is to break down the packaging requirements codes that are part of your contract.   This involves copying or summarizing the materials and methods from the various tables of Mil-Std-2073 that correspond to each code.  

Pack-2073 eliminates the tedious process of translating codes and transcribing packaging instructions, such as shown in the packaging code breakdown at right.  It can be used as a reference tool to look up specific codes, or to produce a packaging worksheet Web Link to PDF file.  

Packaging instructions are stored in a database, which are listed on the Packaging Data Index (main view).  

Other MIL-Comply modules may have edit or reference  packaging requirements, such as the Shipper's Line Item Detail editor, allowing such users to enter packaging requirements for using in Pack-2073.

See also:

Packaging Database

Packaging Worksheet Dialog

Packaging Requirements