Serial Number Editing

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Serial Number Editing

Serial numbers differ from Item Unique Identifiers (IUIDs/UIDs) both in the way WAWF and MIL-Comply treat them. Read more.

Important:  For shipments with UID requirements, enter UIDs rather than serial numbers (never both).


SN List Edit Field


In WAWF, serial numbers are simply part of the item description.   Because WAWF does not specifically serial numbers, the editor in Shipper is less concerned about the data entered than Labeling is.   If there is any doubt about the number of serial numbers entered, the Labeling serial number editor, with built-in counting might be the better place to enter them.


Expanded S/N Field

Expanded S/N Field

The [ Expand ] button brings up the same data in larger format that allows you to see how they would be displayed on a DD250 / WA250 form.   This not the same as would be rendered in WAWF, which squishes all item description down in the least readable manner possible.

Serial Numbers for Labels

While WAWF does not specifically process serial numbers, it is important that if they are to be used for producing labels that the proper number be entered.   Labeling will parse the list of serial numbers, distributing them across labels.  [more]