Embedded UID Browser

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Embedded UID Browser

Embedded UID Browser

Embedded UID Browser

The Embedded UID Browser provides a view of the end-items associated with the current CLIN along their children.   It is accessed from the End Items UIDs for Shipment dialog.  

WAWF allows for a limited number of first level embedded items to be submitted in Receiving Reports.  It also allows for embedded items to be submitted directly to the IUID Registry, which the Comply UID Expeditor can do.  For shipments whose embedded items are too numerous or embedded deeper than the first child, direct registration is required.  MIL-Comply has the capability of storing embedded items beyond the WAWF RR limits, but it is recommended instead, that these be maintained on an independent business system (some people use Excel) for import into the IUID Registry via the UID Expeditor.  

The example at right shows an Embedded UID Browser with four end-items, two of which have two children each.  Before we explain how to add children to the other two,  let's examine the menu at the top of the dialog.

hmtoggle_arrow1Menu Commands


hmtoggle_arrow0 Embedding Process


us_embedbrowser-adopter-1Children may be embedded into parent items by using the action buttons described in the section above, or the Embed UII into Another section of the dialogs.  It allows you to add a loose item to an end-item, or move a child item from one parent to another. It is a multi-step process:

1.us_embedbrowser-adopter-2Select the item that is to be embedded

2.Click [ Child ], which changes to the group to show the Child, as shown to right

3.Select the new Parent

4.Click [ Parent ], which embeds the Child in the new Parent

When embedding multiple children in the same parent you can use the [ Use Same Parent ] button to skip the parent selection step.

hmtoggle_arrow1Other Buttons