UID Support

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UID Support

UIDs are great for the Government, but really complicate the compliance process for contractors.  They are long and complicated, easy to mistype, and each one may be used many times per shipment:

Item Part Mark

Unit Container Label (SN and in 2D symbol)

Intermediate Container Label (SN and 2D)

Exterior Container Label (SN and 2D)

WAWF Receiving Report (UII and SN)


Unique Identifiers (UIIs) are long, complicated, easy to enter incorrectly.  MIL-Comply requires that each UII be entered only once, saving time and errors.   And if they already exist on one of your business systems, they can be imported to eliminate data-entry altogether.  


Support for UIDs is integrated at multiple points in Labeling and Shipper, and other places in MIL-Comply.  This manual section describes the features of UID support, which may vary a little depending on context.

UID Entry Point in CLIN Editors

UID Entry Point in CLIN Editors

The most frequently used UID capability is adding and editing UIDs that are attached to a shipment for labels or WAWF Receiving Reports (DD250s).   The Line Item (CLIN) editors in Shipper and Labeling have some version of the UID Entry Point pictured at right, which shows the number of UIDs currently attached to the shipment, along with a button to edit them.  Use the Edit [ UIDs ] button for adding and editing shipment UIDs.   Note that when GFP characteristic is set the Edit button will indicate that GFP items are being selected rather UIDs.   Serial Numbers may added to shipments when those are used instead of UIDs (never both).

hmtoggle_arrow1 Submitting UIDs to WAWF

hmtoggle_arrow1 Serial Numbers

hmtoggle_arrow1 Government-Furnished Property (GFP)