Document Index (Main View)

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Document Index (Main View)

Main Shipper View

Main Shipper View

The Document Index serves as the filing cabinet for Shipper, allowing the user to organize and access shipments/documents.  Opening a shipment brings up the Shipment Details, a dashboard providing access to:

WAWF transactions

Viewing and printing shipments


VSM operations

Exporting to a file or as an email attachment

The main menu provides access to many functions:

File - normal functions like New, Open, Copy, Print, Preview, Export (file or email), use of templates, etc.

Get New - provides access to pending transactions to be imported

GFP - shows reparable items in contractor custody for return to Government via Reparable Receiving Report.

UID - performs various UID functions

oFind UID in MIL-Comply database, display in the UID Browser

oBrowse the UID database, filtering by part number, CLIN, shipment, etc.

oImport UIDs, including embedded items, into MIL-Comply outside of the normal shipment processes

oDetermine existence of items in the IUID Registry

View - apply filters by age, status, etc., or by contract/order

Tools - perform various functions, set preferences

Help - access technical support, the Release Notes (version), and this help file