Shipment Details/Dashboard

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Shipment Details/Dashboard

Shipment Details (Dashboard)

Shipment Details (Dashboard)

The Shipment Details dashboard is the access point for many of the operations that may be performed1 on shipments and/or invoices.  It is arrived at by selecting and opening a selected document in the Document Index, at which point the user may:

Edit a shipment/document

Print / Preview shipment as a DD250, WA250, DD1149, etc.

Create container labels1 for

oMil-Std-129 shipments

oVSM shipments

oGSA shipments

Submit shipments to the DLA Vendor Shipment Module (VSM)1

Process RFID data (organize, print reports, submit to WAWF)1

View Packaging Requirements for current contract, generate MS-2073 Packaging Worksheets1

Export shipments

Email a shipment export file


1.  Use of some features requires a specific license.

A similar screen, the Shipment Dashboard, is presented when compatible import files are opened from a directory, or as an email attachment or browser link.  

See also:

Importing Shipments

Mil-Std-2073 Packaging Database