Importing Shipments

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Importing Shipments

Data imported into both Shipper and Labeling to create shipments, which share the data to do their job.  Principally these data sources are:

Business systems, such as ERP, Access, Excel, etc. which export data in one of the import file formats supported by MIL-Comply.

DLA EDI (X12-850) purchase orders, such as those from DIBBS, which are transmitted to MIL-Comply through the Mil-Pac VAN.

GSA Purchase Orders exported from third-party EDI systems in X12 850 format.

Long-term contracts from DCMA provided by WAWF to Contracts via the Mil-Pac VAN.

There are additional methods, such as the importing of UID data and/or RFID data created by third-party scanning systems.  

Shipments are imported from files placed in a folder on either the local machine or a network drive.  For users importing EDI Purchase Orders (DIBBS, etc.), MIL-Comply automatically fetches any waiting purchase orders from the Mil-Pac VAN as part of the operation.

Import File In-Box

Shipments are imported using the Get-New command found on the main menus of Shipper and Labeling.  It should be noted that shipments imported by either of these modules is available to both.  It would not be uncommon to import a DIBBS purchase order in Labeling, then submit a WAWF Fast Pay Receiving Report and Invoice for Shipper when the shipment is ready.   A similar process would be used for VSM Automation.

Get-New Preview Window

Get-New Preview Window

The Get-New command displays the waiting orders in the Select Pending Transaction dialog.  A transaction that is selected will be processed and removed from the preview window.  

[ Get ] - imports the selected file, removes it from the list.   For files with multiple shipments, another dialog will allow the user to select from those.

[ Delete ] - deletes the file from the folder and view

[ Refresh ] - scans the in-box folder, refreshes the list to reflect newly generated import files, or those that may have been processed by other users.

[ Fetch Remote Files (VAN) ] - similar to Refresh, except that any new files waiting in your Mil-Pac VAN account are pulled down, added to the list.

Show Files Filter

oLess than - shows the newest files, those less than X days old

oMore than - shows the oldest files, those more than Y days old

oAll - displays all pending files

See Also

Transferring Shipments between MIL-Comply Systems