Line Item Editor

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Line Item Editor

Contract Line Items (CLINs) to be shipped are added to a shipment by way of the [ Edit Line Items ] button on the VSM Shipment Dashboard.   For shipments created by way of a template, copying another shipment or importing an EDI purchase order, this data will be completed.  Some details like Preservation Date, Lot Number and Shelf Life may need to be adjusted.   This is the same CLIN data used by Comply/Shipper to create Receiving Reports and Invoices for WAWF.

You may also print container labels (Mil-Std-129) and enter VSM dimensional data on this dialog using the [ Containers / Labels ] button.  

CLIN Buttons

[ Add ] - adds a new line item

[ Del ] - deletes the currently selected line item

[ Natl Stock Number ] - retrieves the item from the Parts Database by the NSN entered

[ Part Number ] -  retrieves the item from the Parts Database by the part number entered

[ View ] - browses the Parts Database

[ Save ] - saves the current line item into the Parts Database

[ Containers / Labels ] - brings up the VSM Container Characteristics / Label Printing dialog on the container weights and dimensions required by VSM are entered and Mil-Std-129 container labels may be printed.


Line Item Fields

CLIN - Contract Line Item Number, generally a four-digit number, with leading zeros, e.g. '0001'.  The field could also be a Sub-CLIN, which is a CLIN with two-alpha characters, e.g. '0001AB'.

Natl Stock Number - National/NATO Stock Number.  The NSN is composed of three portions:  FFFF-CC-SSS-SSSS, a Federal Supply Class (F), Country Code (C), and Stock Number (S).   Per Mil-Std-129, the NSN should be entered with hyphens, and any prefix or suffix specified in the contract or solicitation.  The hyphens also helps MIL-Comply recognize the NSN when it appears with a prefix and/or suffix, which are three and two characters, respectively.   The NSN is not required.  Clicking on the [ Natl Stock Number ] button will retrieve item from the Parts Database based on the NSN field.

Part Number - the part number as specified in the contract or order.   Part numbers are limited to 30 alpha-numeric characters, plus hyphens and forward-slashes.   Because they are often used as a component of UIDs, they are limited to 30 characters.  Clicking on the [ Part Number ] button will retrieve the item from the Parts Database based on the part number field.  

CAGE - the entity identifier of the company awarded the contract.   The CAGE is also as a default component of UIDs.  

Nomenclature (Noun) - the item's official name, limited to 30 characters.  Longer item descriptions may be continued in the Additional Info field.

Additional Info - adds an extra line of description to formats that support it (limited to 35 characters).   Note that this differs from the Additional Description field in Shipper to support WAWF Receiving Reports, and is  a wider multi-line field.

Total CLIN Qty - the number of items to be shipped at the UOI specified by the contract.

UOI - Unit of Issue as specified by the contract to used to describe the “quantity or basis for measurement” characteristic for an item, e.g. 'EA'.  

Non-Definitive Units - When the UOI is non-definitive (e.g. Roll, Box, Bag, Bottle) the exact quantity of volume, linear measurement, weight, or count is indicated in the container label field, resulting in something like '1 BX (3 EA)'.

Preservation / Pkg

Method - the military preservation method applied to the item, as specified by the contract, and defined by Mil-Std-2073, e.g. Method 41, stated as M41.  A leading 'M' is required, except when the method is 'ZZ'.

Date - the date the Preservation Method was applied, or the item as placed into the unit pack, expressed as MM/DD.  [ Date ]  enters the current month and year.

Lot Number - the manufacturer's assigned identifier for production control of a labeled item.  See Mil-Std-129 for specific requirements (up to 17 characters).

Shelf Life: a two-part field which defines for applicable products the range of dates in which the item may be placed into service.   See Mil-Std-129 for a better understanding of how to complete this field in accordance with the Shelf-Life Code that may be present in contracts.   [Shelf Life] brings up the Shelf-Life Wizard to simplify entering this data.


Serial numbers and UIDs

Serial numbers and UIDs are associated with a shipment's CLIN and then distributed onto labels according to the quantity per unit pack.  Typically, this might be one per unit container, then several units per exterior container.  This distribution is controlled by the VSM Container / Labels dialog.  This is the same UID and serial number data that Shipper submits to WAWF.  

The VSM Integration is not designed to support complex serial number and UID distributions, which should be done in Comply/Labeling.   Use it for container labeling on such shipments and use VSM Container / Labels dialog to simply report the container weights and dimensions to VSM for shipment authorization.

Refer to UID Support and Editing UIDs for more information on how to add UIDs and serial numbers to a shipment.

See also:

WAWF Automation

Receiving Reports