Parts Database Dialog

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Parts Database Dialog

Parts Database Dialog

Parts Database Dialog

The Parts Database greatly simplifies building shipments for generating container labels and WAWF shipment transactions (Receiving Reports and Invoices), as well as some unexpected things like parsing UIIs.   It is generally accessed via a line item (CLIN) editor in Shipper, Labeling and Contracts, as well as other places.

Generally a Part Number or NSN would be entered into the CLIN editor and all of the data stored under that ID would populate the relevant CLIN fields.   If the item had not been previously saved the CLIN fields would be entered for the shipment and the item saved.   Then the next time it would be there ready to go.  

The database is easily accessed for maintenance, or to add data not initially saved.  For example, a part saved from the Shipper Line Item Editor would not have fields like Preservation Method, DODIC,  and UNID completed because those fields are not relevant to submitting WAWF Receiving Reports.  When the part is used in Labeling those fields can be added simply by entering them in and clicking the Save button.   Both places have View buttons that get you to the Parts Database dialog, shown here, where the part can be edited.

Creating New Part Descriptions

The Parts Database Dialog shown is for reference only, used to locate and retrieve parts data.   One method of creating a parts database was described above, the save as you go method.   You can also sit down and add parts by using the [ New ] and [ Copy ]  buttons.  Or the parts database may be populated and/or maintained by importing the data in CSV format using the AdminTool, which offers other related functions. [ Import ] advised the user of the CSV import.

The New and Copy functions bring the part record up in dialog which allows editing.

Parts Database Fields

NSN - National/NATO Stock Number.  The NSN is composed of three portions:  FFFF-CC-SSS-SSSS, a Federal Supply Class (F), Country Code (C), and Stock Number (S).   Per Mil-Std-129, the NSN should be entered with hyphens, and any prefix or suffix specified in the contract or solicitation.  The hyphens also helps MIL-Comply recognize the NSN when it appears with a prefix and/or suffix, which are three and two characters, respectively.  

P/N - Part numbers are limited to 30 alpha-numeric characters, plus hyphens and forward-slashes.   Because they are often used as a component of UIDs, they are limited to 30 characters.  

Item Nomenclature /  Noun - the NSN catalog description of the item, limited to 30 characters.  Longer item descriptions may be continued in the Additional Description field.

Additional Information - a continuation line for labels (not the long description used for WAWF)

HazMat Identifiers - used only for hazmat and ammo/explosives labeling

oDODIC - DOD Identification Code for hazardous materials (4 characters).

oUN ID - The United Nations Hazardous Material Code, a four-character field which is preceded by 'UN' when printed on labels.

oProper Shipping Name - The name of a hazardous material shown in Roman print (not italics) in Title 49 CFR, Part 172 and in other hazardous materials related publications.

DLA Information - used only for DVD and other specialized labels

oInventory Control Point - the Routing Identification Code of the activity that manages this item's inventory (3 characters)

oCondition Code - the default condition code to use when shipping this item (typically 'A' - Ready for Issue)

MIL-Comply Defaults  (not yet fully used by software)

oUID-Marked - item is typically has UID part markings

oSerial Numbered - item is serial numbered, but not typically has UID-markinged

oLot Numbered - item labeling should use lot numbers

oGFP - indicates that the item is typically shipped as Government-Furnished Property, as described in GFP Automation.