Show Shipment UIDs

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Show Shipment UIDs

The UID Expeditor Shipment UIDs Report is a quick way to see, and share, the UIDs assigned to a particular shipment.   The same information is also available on MIL-Comply DD250s, which may include embedded items as well.   An example is shown at right (see Shipment UIDs Report [PDF]).

The UIDs Report compares the UIDs assigned to the shipment with the quantity to ship for each CLIN, reporting under and over shipment conditions.   See CLINs 0002 and 0003 for examples of that in the the sample.


Generating the UIDs Report

The first step is to click [UID Shipment] in the top panel of the Expeditor Dashboard.  This uses the same Set Target technique found elsewhere in Expeditor, allowing a shipment to be selected by name (contract-order-shipment or reference number), from a structured list or recently used shipments.   You can also find a shipment using a UID assigned to it.  

Notice that in the example there are three buttons grayed out.   They will be activated as soon as a shipment has been selected.  You may also enter a specific CLIN should you wish to narrow the scope of the report. [Print] and [Preview] produce the report shown.  Use [Export] the to export shipment UID data.


See Also:

Exporting Shipment UIDs