Setting Target Shipment IDs

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Setting Target Shipment IDs

UID Expeditor performs operations on UID records that include associating them with a specific shipment, referred to as the Target Shipment. Gathering Unassigned UIDs is such an operation.  You will be asked to set the Target Shipment with this dialog when Gathering, unless you have already done so from the Expeditor Dashboard.

A Target Shipment may be an existing shipment, or one created on the fly.   It will need to consist of contract line items (CLINs) whose definition should include the item's part number and noun/nomenclature which are displayed during operations such as Gather.

Creating a New Shipment

Shipments may be created in MIL-Comply Shipper and/or Labeling using one of the several methods described in Creating Shipments.

Shipments may be created by importing M12 files created by other business systems.

Selecting an Existing Shipment

Recently Used Shipments

Recently Used Shipments

Shipments that have been previously created may be selected

By Name - simply enter part or all of a contract, order and shipment number and a list of shipments will be presented to select from.

From List - presents a tree of contracts which may be drilled down through deliver orders (if applicable) to find shipments to select from.

Recently Used - presents a list of shipments that have been recently created or used, with a number of options to control what is presented.

Confirmation of Correct Shipment

After a shipment is selected by one of the methods described above, the top portion of the Set Target dialog will be updated with the contract, order and shipment numbers.   A list of the CLINs will also be displayed.


M12 File Process

M12 files are used to create a shipment into which UIDs can be received.   Once you reach the stage above the shipment has been created and is visible to other users.   Should you need to return to this shipment in the future, do so by using the [Recently Used] button.  Canceling out of this dialog at this point will not restore the M12 file.