Packaging Database

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Packaging Database

Parts by NSN, Contract and CLIN

Parts by NSN, Contract and CLIN

MIL-Comply maintains a database of packaging requirements entered by users.   They are stored by NSN, Contract and CLIN.  Most contracts are going to use the packaging requirements as defined in DoD's National Stock Number Database, so Contract and CLIN are optional.  However, since it is possible that contracts could override those requirements, the contract and CLIN can be used to differentiate between requirements.


Parts by Contract and Part Number

Parts by Contract and Part Number

Parts may be be stored by their Part Number, which is a popular option for mil-spec packaging houses.  Because a given part number could be used by different clients companies, a contract number or NSN is required in order to ensure the part number represents a unique item.

Double clicking on an item, or using the Edit command on the main menu brings up the Packaging Worksheet dialog.

Adding New Items

New items are added to the database with File > New or File > Copy.  

Filtering by Contract

The Contract Filter is useful in narrowing the number of entries.  It is used by Shipper and Contract Manager to display items belonging to a contract of interest to the user.  

If the index appears to be missing items, check to see if the Contract Filter might be turned on.