IUID: Item Unique Identification

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IUID: Item Unique Identification

IUID Data Matrix

IUID Data Matrix

The UID in IUID stands for Unique Identification, which refers in a general sense to methods and systems for uniquely identifying things. This idea gained traction within the aerospace and automotive industries as a way to ensure that equipment from different manufacturers and countries could be uniquely identified. Adding a part number to a serial number makes the combined identifier more unique. Further adding the manufacturer’s identifier and the country of origin makes it even more so.


hmtoggle_arrow1 Background

hmtoggle_arrow1What is a UII / IUID?
hmtoggle_arrow1Construct 2 UII
hmtoggle_arrow1Construct 1 UII
hmtoggle_arrow1Data Matrix (2D) Symbol vs UII