Import File Formats

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Import File Formats

MIL-Comply supports import of data in numerous contexts, from a list of UIDs for a shipment line item to importing entire shipments.  The article on Integrating Business Systems Web Link to PDF file provides an overview of data import and export opportunities.

Importing Shipments into MIL-Comply

MIL-Comply can be driven by external business system data using either of two import files:

CSV - a simple multi-dimension Excel format, described below for importing UIDs.  Contact Technical Support for information on using CSV to import complete shipments.

M12 - an easy to produce plain-text file, described by the M12 File Specification Web Link to PDF file.

MCA - an internal format for transferring shipments between MIL-Comply modules

Import of UIDs into CLINs

The End Items for Shipment dialog found in Shipper and Labeling supports import of UID end items with limited numbers and depth of embedded items (IAW WAWF EDI specifications).

Pasting UIDs into the Simple UID Import, described in Adding Composite UIIs

UID CSV import file Web Link to PDF file format

Embedded UID Items for Direct Registration

Importing embedded UID items into Registry Expeditor for import into the IUID Registry uses the UID CSV import file Web Link to PDF file format

Packed UID Items

There are two ways to import a list of UID items as packed.

Distribution of existing SNs and UIDs into containers for label printing can be specified in the SN/UID Packer feature, which can be used interactively or with a simple import file.

Packing of new UIDs into specific containers can accomplished with the RFID/UID Shipment Import Web Link to PDF file file accepted by Scan-Print-Ship, which can RFID container labels while importing the UIDs into the MIL-Comply database, ready to include in a WAWF Receiving Report or Pack Update.

Importing Parts and Address Tables

Parts Database - import of external parts data

Address Database - import of external address data