Exporting Shipment Data

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Exporting Shipment Data

Shipment data may be exported to other business systems using the commands described below.  Three file formats, including CSV are supported.  The destination and format are controlled by the Shipment Data Export dialog that will appear.

Shipment export is performed in various places in MIL-Comply, including:

In Shipper's Shipment Dashboard:

Export - creates a file that may be emailed as an attachment or placed in a shared directory

Email - creates a file and attaches it to a new message in the user's email client

In Labeling's File Menu:

Export Shipment Data - creates a file that may be emailed as an attachment or placed in a shared directory

Send to Email Recipient - creates a file and attaches it to a new message in the user's email client

See Also

Transferring Shipments between MIL-Comply systems

Shipment Export Options