Address Editor

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Address Editor

Address Editor (Shipper)

Address Editor (Shipper)

The Shipper Address Editor allows the user to enter addresses for the current shipment.  Once entered, the address can be retrieved for future shipments.   Addresses that have been designated "for General Use" are retrieved automatically.  In the absence of an address designated as the default, the tool will look for the address ID on previous shipments.  Use of the General Use designation results in a more streamlined result, and gives the user more control over the address used.  

It is important that addresses be entered in the correct fields, as this affects the way they are encoded in WAWF Receiving Reports.  At minimum there should be:

Name of the Entity / Activity

Physical Address


State / Province abbreviation (if applicable)

Zip / Postal Code

Country Code (for OCONUS addresses).  

Additional lines are available for information that further defines the activity or its physical address.  Care should be taken to ensure that they are properly used.

Dialog Controls

[ Get ] - retrieves the address from the database, if one exists

[ Find ] - presents a list of addresses from which to choose

[ Save ] - saves the address for the shipment / document

Save for General Use - adds the address to the database as the default for the current ID/Code.    

[ Lookup ] retrieves country codes

[ Erase ] clears the current address fields

[ Delete ] removes this address entry from the shipment

Address Type is an indicator is a categorization of the address ID Code.  See CAGE, DODAAC or MAPAC for more information.

Address Code Extensions

Some DODAAC and CAGE address codes may include an additional code to identify a more specific entity or location.   These are referred to as address extensions, and may be used in MIL-Comply by appending the additional code to the primary one with a hyphen, e.g. X00024-N05001.   CAGE extensions, while similar, are generally handled automatically by MIL-Comply, as explained below.

CAGE Extensions

CAGE Extensions are a special kind of address extension.   They are used for Ship-From addresses when the Prime has given a sub-contractor, such as a third-party logistics company, the authority to submit transactions to WAWF on its behalf.  Read more about using CAGE Extensions.  MIL-Comply handles these specially, so it is unnecessary to enter the extended CAGE for the Ship-From address.

See also:

Mark-For Instructions

Shipment Editor - the access point for this dialog

Address Review Tool - provides review and edit capability for default addresses