CAGE Extensions

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CAGE Extensions

A CAGE Extension is special permission that a prime contractor grants in WAWF to allow a subcontractor to submit transactions on its behalf.   The subcontractor is often a division of the prime performing work on behalf of a contract owned by the prime, or in many cases is a third-party logistics (3PL) company providing packaging, labeling and shipment services.  

A CAGE extension is generally required anytime the WAWF User ID of the Ship-From entity submitting transactions is not the same as that of the prime.  

Submitting WAWF Transactions

Enabling CAGE Extension for a Shipment

Enabling CAGE Extension for a Shipment

Shipper makes the use of CAGE Extensions fairly transparent. When the software detects that the Prime and Ship-From CAGE codes are different the software will submit the Prime with its CAGE Extension, when the [] Extn option being checked, as shown at right.   That option will only be available when the CAGE codes are different.

CAGE Extn Use Default  

CAGE Extn Use Default

There are situations in which you would not want to automatically use CAGE extensions. One is that the Prime itself is submitting the Receiving Report, using one of their own WAWF User IDs. The other is that the Shipper has a WAWF login under the Prime’s account, which is more akin to the Ship-From operating as an employee of the the Prime.  

The behavior of the [] Extn option is controlled in the Shipment Editor configuration, in the Options menu.  When the Create CAGE Extension of Prime is enabled in the Options dialog the [] Extn option will be automatically checked whenever the Ship-From CAGE does not match the Prime.   The user may still assert it themselves, but the software will not do it automatically.


NOTE:  The CAGE Extensions setting in the WAWF Options is obsolete, ignored in favor of the CAGE Extension setting in the shipment itself.

See also:

More about CAGE Extensions