Initiator Comments (Block 23)

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Initiator Comments (Block 23)

The WAWF Initiator Comments, aka  Block 23, provide an unstructured space for contractors to document shipments.   The contents may be pasted from your clipboard, which is a fast way to enter the data.   Some business systems import Block 23 blank fields for the user to complete, such as the TAC CODE in the example.

The block editor shows the data as it would be printed on a DD250 (or WA250), but most will find the data is easier to manipulate in the [ Block Edit ] mode, which presents the data in a standard text edit control.

Block 23 is traditionally for the internal use of contractors, although some provide additional documentation using it.   Turning off the Send To WAWF option prevents the data from being included in Receiving Reports.  

Note that WAWF will remove blank lines and carriage returns from the data when it is imported into WAWF, formatting that will be retained in printed when printed on a DD250 or WA250 in Shipper.