Item Packaging Dashboard

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Item Packaging Dashboard

The Item Packaging Dashboard provides access to the Mil-Std-2073 packaging requirements for a specific line item (CLIN) defined by Shipper, Labeling and Contract Manager.   Except for the ability to edit the NSN, PN, etc, it is the same as Pack-2073's Packaging Worksheet dialog.

Here you can enter packaging codes for items and view the breakdown.   The requirements may be printed on a Packaging Worksheet form Web Link to PDF file.  

Packaging Breakdown

Packaging Breakdown

Dialog Fields

Supplemental Data - a free format text block into which users may enter any appropriate information about packaging of the item to appear at the end of the printed packaging worksheet.   Clicking the button brings up an editor.  

Mil-Std Version - specifies under which Mil-Std-2073 revision the packaging code was defined; using the wrong version will likely result in errors due to missing and/or obsolete codes

Include Full Preservation Method Text - refers to the optional inclusion of the once separate preservation methods (Mil-P-116) that are now part of the preservation method reported; relevant only when using Mil-Std-2073 versions prior to 1D.  

[ Enter Packaging Code ] - brings up the Packaging Requirements Editor

[ Show Breakdown ] - displays the code breakdown (shown above) for online review / reference

[ Print Worksheet ] - prints the breakdown and identification text as a packaging worksheet.