UCKey File Installation

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UCKey File Installation

Access to the Mil-Pac VAN requires an encrypted key referred to as a UCKey, which is generated during VAN account creation.   The process below describes installation of a UCKey File.   A UCKey File is provided during the VAN subscription process, and can also be requested from Mil-Pac Customer Service.

Users with MIL-Comply version 1.6, or later, may use the UCKey-Plus method, which allows MIL-Comply to access the VAN  without installing a UCKey file.

Installation of the UCKey File, as described below, is performed in the VAN Setup dialog.


Step 1 - Install UCKey File

UCKey files are delivered to the user as an attachment to an email, of the form ABC123.UCK.  To install the key, first open the MIL-Comply program folder, which is usually stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mil-Pac\milComply. Then copy the attachment, which is typically done by right-clicking it.  Now right-click in the MIL-Comply program folder and Paste.    This may require a system administrator.  

Step 2 - Enter Account Identification

UC Key ID/File - the name of the UCKey File (without extension) installed in Step 1.  

CAGE Code - the address code of the entity owning the VAN account.  This may be a division of the Prime when it is performing and shipping contracts.   Third-party logistics (3PL) services should use their CAGE code.

Step 3 - Test UCKey File Access

Click on [Test UCKey File] to have MIL-Comply read the UCKey File installed in Step 1.   If successful, your primary EDI routing ID will appear.   This test ensures that the UCKey File was properly installed in Steps 1 and identified in Step 2.  

Step 3 - Test VAN Connection

The next step is to test the data connection to the VAN.  This will ensure that your PC and network are configured to allow data to flow back forth to the VAN.

See VAN Testing for more information.