Transferring Shipments Between Systems

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Transferring Shipments Between Systems

Transferring shipments between MIL-Comply systems is a great way to share data when it is impractical to use a common database.   For example, a contract administrator could create a shipment based on a contract or electronic purchase order, then send it to the shipping department.  The latter could add UIDs and other such details, print labels, then submit the shipment, or just its RFIDs to WAWF, or submit it to VSM for processing.

This scenario can work well when a third-party logistics (3PL) firm is used for packaging, labeling and shipment.  

See Exporting Shipment Data for more information.


Shipments must be exported in MCA Format

Shipments that might be passed back to the originator will replace existing shipments.

See Also

Shipment Export Options