Shipment Export Options

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Shipment Export Options

Shipment data may be exported using a number of different MIL-Comply export commands, which present the Shipment Data Export Parameters dialog.  The purpose of which is to confirm the export and allow the destination and file format be set.   And in the case of CSV exports to narrow the content.
Export File Destination

By default, MIL-Comply will create a complete CSV export to the user's Documents folder, using the shipment's Reference Number as the file name.  The file name and/or location may be changed with [Save As].  This will location selection will stay in effect until changed.   The file name will also stay the same if the Use Reference Number option is turned off.    You could, for example, create a file for some other process to consume.

The Use Reference Number as File Name option keeps shipments from being overwritten by each other.  Of course, except when re-exporting the same shipment.

File Format

Shipment data may be exported in any of three formats:

M12 - an easy to produce plain-text file, described by the M12 File Specification Web Link to PDF file.

CSV - a simple multi-dimension Excel format

MCA - an internal format for transferring shipments between MIL-Comply modules

M12 Format

The M12 format is an easy to understand format, described by the M12 File Specification Web Link to PDF file.  It is the same format used by many MIL-Comply installations for driving shipping from business systems, such as SAP and Oracle.  It looks like:

CLIN:        0017

PN:        M265-239

Noun:        Widget

Qty:        8


The M12 export has two versions for export.   Version 3 is the most robust and well supported, however, some legacy systems and applications expect the older Version 2 format.  


CSV Format
The CSV format used by MIL-Comply is a straight export of the database records for a shipment.   The first column uses a three-letter identifier for the record type, e.g. RFX for RFID records and UIX for UID records.   The second column is a table version, which can generally be ignored as it is very stable.

The first row of each type of record includes column headers to identify the data elements, and allow for mapping the data to support automated processing of the data.   These can be turned off if not desirable.

CSV Export Options

RFID, UID and All Data - determine what records are included in the export

Include Column Headers - includes the column headers shown above


The standard CSV Export format should not be confused with UID CSV import file Web Link to PDF file format or with the CSV format for import complete shipments.  Contact Technical Support for information on the latter.

MCA Format

The MCA is a version of the CSV format intended to use internally by MIL-Comply, but is also useful for transferring shipments between MIL-Comply modules.  The MCA file extension is registered in Windows allowing it to be automatically opened by MIL-Comply.   This makes it very useful for sending shipments as file attachments and other related uses.  

Save Options

Check this box to save the current export settings for future sessions.

See Also

Exporting Shipment Data

Transferring Shipments













M12 File Specification.



See Also

Transferring Shipments Between Systems