Adding UIDs as Range of SNs

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Adding UIDs as Range of SNs

Adding Sequential UIDs to Shipment

Adding Sequential UIDs to Shipment

For shipments that include mostly continuous ranges of UIDs, the MIL-Comply allows you to create a sequence of UIDs based on a starting number.  This tool is reached from [ Range of Serial Numbers ] button on the End-Item UIDs for Shipment dialog.

Using the tool is just a few simple steps:

1.Enter the serial number of the first UID, in this case '000097'.

2.Check/set the Construct to be used, which is defaulted to UID2

3.Enter the number of UIDs to create



Generating Construct 1 UIIs

Generating Construct 1 UIIs

Notice that choosing UID1 (Construct 1) changes the display to remove the Part Number field and its effect on the UII itself, changing the specimen UII to 'D8T31800097'.


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