UIDs for Future Shipments

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UIDs for Future Shipments

Comply/Shipper and Comply/Labeling users generally collect UID data as containers are labeled or shipments prepared for submission to WAWF.  This provides a context for parsing the UIIs and populating UID records.  

UID Expeditor supports this same UID data entry method.  But it also supports collection of UIDs for unidentified shipments, and the capability to gather unassociated UID items into a shipment.  Scanning an item's 2D Data Matrix symbol makes it easier to determine the information that is required for submission to WAWF, and in the case of embedded items, directly to the IUID Registry.

When it is time to ship, the user creates a shipment, then gathers up unassociated UIDs from a list created by UID Expeditor of items that match the part number(s) of the CLIN(s) to be shipped.   Shipment creation can be done manually or using an import (M12) file generated by an enterprise system as a request to ship.  Or the user may select any shipment already in the system, such as ones created by Comply/Shipper or Labeling.