GFP Transactions

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GFP Transactions

Before talking about the GFP capabilities of UID Expeditor it would be good to loosely define the three types of Government-owned property that defense contractors commonly have in their possession.  

Government-Furnished Material (GFM) – generally raw materials acquired by the Government and provided to contractors for manufacture or repair contracts.

Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) – specialized equipment lent to contractors for use in manufacturing or repair contracts.

Government-Furnished Property (GFP) – UID-marked items provided to contractors for maintenance, repair, or overhaul (MRO).

MIL-Comply, and specifically the UID Expeditor, manages the transactions related to the servicing of GFP.   This is primarily the gain of custody from the IUID Registry and subsequent return to the Government via a WAWF RRR transaction.

Custody Transactions – Reparable Receiving Reports

The custody of UID-marked items that are serviced by contractors must be attained through the IUID Registry.   Such items must be returned to the Government, or transferred out of their possession, on a WAWF Reparable Receiving Report (DD250) transaction.   WAWF will only accept UID-marked items that are currently in possession of the contractor.  This is referred to as Property in Possession of Contractor (PPC).

End-Of-Life Transactions

Items received by the contractor for MRO that cannot be returned to service are handled in a manner similar to those that can.   First custody is obtained.   Then an End-Of-Life transaction is submitted to the IUID Registry.   Finally, custody of the item is transferred from the contractor via a WAWF Property Transfer (DD1149) transaction.