UID Operations Configuration

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UID Operations Configuration

ux_configuidoperationsThis dialog controls the operational characteristics of UID Expeditor.   It requires administrator privileges.

UID Data Collections for Shipments

Status on Assignment to Shipment - determines the internal MIL-Comply status applied to UID items that are Gathered into a shipment.   This should be COMMITTED in standard MIL-Comply deployments.

New UIDs are not assigned to shipments - overrides the normal behavior of MIL-Comply which is to require a defined shipment to be identified prior to adding UIDs; when set, UIDs are added in MARKED status to be gathered into a shipment at a later date.

Can Delete UIDs assigned to a shipment - determines if users with normal privileges may delete UIDs once they have reached Shipment Assignment status

End Item status modification allowed - determines if users with normal privileges may perform Set Status operations on UID items (prior to shipment).

Embedded Item Registration

Always Release shipments as SHIPPED - when disabled allows users to release the embedded UIDs of a shipment without affecting the shipment's status.

Registering items asserts Non-ST/STE Status - causes embedded UID registration transactions to include a "Not Special Tool/Special Test Equipment" statement.

Users may delete from Embed-Process items - prevents unauthorized users from deleting embedded items slated for registration.

Add newly entered items to Registration by default - when set it is assumed that items added to the embedded registration process must be added to the Registry.

See Also

Configuration Settings