Testing VSM Access

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Testing VSM Access

VSM Access Test (Configuration Dialog)

VSM Access Test
(Configuration Dialog)

Successful access to VSM requires several things to be in place and valid:

Valid VSM web site login

VSM user ID and password in MIL-Comply

Production VSM Server must be selected

Web Services SOAP Driver installed and location set

Location of the Scratch Folder set to accessible folder

Because all of these must be right we suggest performing the VSM Access Test before attempting to process your first shipment.   It is also helpful anytime access to VSM appears to have failed.  

Should access fail, use [ View Test Log ] to determine the cause.   Should you need assistance determining the problem, click on [ Request Support ].  This will request a support ticket with all of the pertinent data and result in an email verification.  


See also:

Configuring VSM Integration

Getting Started