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WAWF, RFID and IUID compliance challenge defense contractors every day. Shipping and getting paid involves numerous complicated and overlapping requirements. Mil-Std-129R container labeling is bad enough, but if you have IUID-marked parts the challenges compound, especially with RFID-tagging adding to the data that has to be organized and submitted into Wide Area Workflow.

mpt-wheel200MIL-Comply is an effective point solution for any one of these challenges, but it is even more powerful with the more challenges you face. You can start with a single user doing labeling and scale it to handle complex shipping processes at the enterprise level.

MIL-Comply Solutions:

Compliance Labeling

oMil-Std-129 Container Labeling,

oUID containers with 2D (PDF417) symbols

oRFID Container Labeling (including UID data)

oMil-Std-130 UID Part Marking

oVSM Automation (with DLA Vendor Shipment Module)

oGSA shipments (FED-Std-123 & Mil-Std-129)

WAWF Automation

oReceiving Report submission, including with UID and RFID data

oStandalone RFID Pack Update submission

oInvoice Automation (Fast Pay, Cost Vouchers, etc.)

oReparable Receiving Reports (GFP)

oVSM Integration

Item Unique Identification (IUID / UID)

oPart Marking (Mil-Std-130)

oContainer Labeling (Mil-Std-129)

oRFID tagging to Unit Level

oWAWF shipping automation

GFP Automation

oIUID Registry Transactions

oReparable Receiving Reports

RFID Labeling

oRFID Container Labels

oRFID and UID Aggregation

oSubmitting RFID Data to WAWF

Mil-Std-2073 Packaging

Long-Term Contract (LTC) automation of packaging, labeling and WAWF transactions