Cost Voucher Creation

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Cost Voucher Creation

Cost Voucher Editor

Cost Voucher Editor

MIL-Comply includes the WAWF Cost Voucher (aka SF1034/SF1035) form with Shipper. The transaction, which which is similar to the WAWF Receiving Report and Invoice, is for costs and fees incurred during performance of a contract. It is the equivalent of the traditional SF1034/SF1035 form, compliant versions of which can be printed by MIL-Comply.


Simple WAWF Submission

The Cost Voucher editor includes all of the standard MIL-Comply features, including address database lookup, multiple ACRN allocations for line items, and initiator comments.  Submitting the Cost Voucher to WAWF through the Mil-Pac VAN is three simple clicks; no need to log into the WAWF web site.

Importing Your Data

MIL-Comply can be used to submit Cost Vouchers using your business system data by creating either of two import files:

CSV - a simple multi-dimension Excel format

M12 - a plain-text file, which is easy for business systems to create as a report.

Using an SF1034 import file reduces the WAWF submission process to six mouse clicks. And, it eliminates errors by using the data directly from your business system rather than transcribing from one system to the other by hand. Any data not supported by your business system can be added manually before you submit the Cost Voucher to WAWF.

Integrating Business Systems with WAWF

Most common supply-chain process transactions (WAWF Receiving Reports, Invoices, UIDs and RFIDs) and Mil-Std-129 labeling can be automated with simple plain-text M12 and/or CSV files. The process allows users the option of editing the transaction before it is submitted, in case the data source is not complete, or data needs to be collected on the fly.

See Also:

Integrating Business Systems - an overview of data import and export

M12 File Specification - details on the M12 file import file