Login to MIL-Comply

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Login to MIL-Comply

The MIL-Comply login serves primarily to determine the current user of the software for the purposes of personalizing the software configuration and operational preferences.  For enterprise license users, the login has more of a security focus, confining the user to authorized operations and licensed features.

Standard Login

MIL-Comply Login

MIL-Comply Login

The standard login uses a simple User ID, which exists simply to differentiate the current users from others.  The User ID may be up to twelve (12) characters, without spaces or special characters.      It does not have to relate to your Windows login or any other ID.

The [ User ID ] button allows you to pull down a list of users to ensure that the ID is entered correctly, reducing the chance of having duplicate configurations for the same user.

Passwords are currently used only for Enterprise Licenses.

hmtoggle_arrow1Enterprise License Login