Shipment Locked Warning

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Shipment Locked Warning

Shipments are locked by MIL-Comply to prevent multiple users from attempting to edit them simultaneously.   It also prevents individual users from attempting to edit a shipment in multiple modules,   such as using Shipper and Labeling on the same shipment at the same time.  

The error message identifies the lock holder by their MIL-Comply login, an abbreviation of the module asserting the lock and the last four digits of its serial number.   The lock is automatically released when the locking module closes the shipment.   Clicking [ Retry ] tests the lock state again, and if clear, allows you to open the shipment.   Or you can [ Cancel ] and try again later.  The alternative is to forcibly remove the lock, which should only be done if it is stuck.

Removing Data Locks

Data lock conflicts are entirely normal.  The procedure described above should always be the first method applied.  However, some times locks get stuck, such as when your system shuts down during a lightning storm while editing.   Or Windows decides to update while a shipment is still open.  In such cases the data lock on a shipment will be left open, requiring it to be removed manually.

Run the Admin Tool, found in the All Programs > Mil-Pac > Admin.   Use the Tools > Data Locks > View Data Locks command.  Here it showing that the shipment is locked by Labeling, serial number ending in 1949.   To remove the lock select the lock and then click [ Release Lock ].   You can simply click [ Release All ], but care should be taken doing that in multi-user environments, as unintended consequences may occur.