Military Shipment Label (MSL)

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Military Shipment Label (MSL)

Military Shipment Label (MSL)

Military Shipment Label (MSL)

The Military Shipment Label (MSL) is required for all shipments under Mil-Std-129P. The 2D-PDF417 symbol encodes all of the information found on the label into machine-readable format.

Mil-Std-129R defines two versions of the MSL, which differ in the data required and how it is encoded in the PDF417 symbol. Defense contractors should use the Generic Cargo version, while the Unit Move is reserved for defense activities.

The MSL generated by MIL-Comply differs somewhat from the "Generic MSL" depicted in Figure 2A and B of Mil-Std-129, which are offered by the standard as "examples of acceptable MSL formats that may be used as guidelines in producing a label."   MIL-Comply, for example, de-emphasizes the large POE and POD fields which are rarely used by defense contractors.

Required MSL Markings

MSL markings consist of both human readable and bar coded information on a recommended 4×6 inch label. The exact format of the MSL is not specifically mandated by the standard, as long as the required data is included along with compliant linear and 2D bar codes. Mil-Std-129R includes figures 2A and 2B (as) examples of acceptable MSL formats that may be used as guidelines in producing a label. [ §]

Refer to the Mil-Pac website's Compliance Library Military Shipment Label for more information on the data requirements.

RFID-enabled MSL Labels


Mil-Std-129R allows for integration of RFID tags with the Military Shipment Label (see §5.9.2).   However, given the rules for placement of the MSL, such use may not always be consistent with the requirement that the placement of the label give it "the highest potential for successful passive RFID tag interrogation."  [ §]   The MIL-Comply RFID-MSL prints the tag ID and the container level (Case or Pallet) in a subdivision of the TAC field in order to clearly indicate that it is RFID-enabled, and to make it easier for packagers to apply such labels to the proper containers.  See example.

Conversion of Military Priority to MSL Transportation Priority

Though unofficial, the following table has been provided by defense authorities as a reasonable conversion from Military Priority to the Transportation Priority (TP) required on the MSL, when TP is not made available via contract or requisition.


MS129 TP

01 - 03


04 - 08


09 - 12




Use of DD1387

The use of DD Form 1387, superseded by the MSL, is used under these circumstances: “Attach a DD Form 1387 (Military Shipment Label) in lieu of a bar coded MSL for DoD contingency operations where manual entry is the only means available to document DTS shipments.” [Mil-Std-129R §5.2.1]