VSM: Vendor Shipment Module (DLA)

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VSM: Vendor Shipment Module (DLA)

The Vendor Shipment Module (VSM) is a web application operated by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to manage of shipments made to its depots and customers by defense contractors. Its primary function is to provide the current address of military recipients and assign Transportation Control Numbers (TCNs) to shipments. More recently VSM has begun to provide preassigned shipment labels for small parcel services, such as FedEx and UPS. For larger shipments (TL/LTL), VSM provides the necessary paperwork for transportation carriers.

Defense contractors remain responsible for labeling their shipments in accordance with Mil-Std-129 and invoicing the Government with its Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) web application. Contractors using compliance labeling products like MIL-Comply would prepare the container labels then access the VSM web application for the TCN and Ship-To address data necessary to prepare Military Shipment Labels, transcribing the data between these applications.