CLIN: Contract Line Item Number

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CLIN: Contract Line Item Number

The Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) is the standard identifier of a deliverable on a defense contract, and is generally a four-digit number with leading zeros, such as '0017'.  Sub-CLINs are created by adding two letters, such as '0017AA' or '0017AB', which generally identify an allocation or delivery scheduling of the item.  

Precisely speaking, CLIN refers to the contract item number itself, but in general practice refers more broadly to the item identified by the number in the contract.  For example, 'that CLIN is UID-Exempt' referring to the contract item, rather than the number that identifies it.

Exhibit Line Item Numbers (ELIN)

An exhibit line item number is used for differentiation within a contract line item.   It is beyond the scope of this document to examine the ways they are used.   MIL-Comply supports their use, and provides options in line item definitions to use the ELIN instead of the CLIN when identifying items on Receiving Reports and Invoices.